
Optimizing the Double Rep Method

Depending on the training goals and intensity ranges used, the Double Rep Method(DRM) will: Pack size on fast Power up strength levels fast Condition fast When I wrote the original 'The Double rep Method For Fast Gains' back in 2014 it seemed to be greeted with joy by some, and mass confusion by others. Here are some tips to using it right. First off, what is it again..? Simple. Take a rep max, whether thats a 3rm, 5 rm or 12rm. Rep out. Using the shortest rest peiord possible, do another single rep. Using a similar rest period do another rep. Repaet until double the amount of reps are achieved. For example: Squat 3RM Rest 60 secs. Do another rep Rest 60 secs. Do another rep. Rest 60 secs Do one last rep. You have now done 6 total reps with around 90% of your squat max. That's double the rep max number hit in the first set. It is important to find the rest period that allows you to achieve th

The Double Rep Method For Fast Gains

The Double Rep Method (DRM) of rest-pause training can lead to massive improvements in muscle mass and conditioning in a short period of time. Rep out to max on an exercise. Rest briefly and then do another rep or two. Rest briefly again and perform another rep or two. Keep going until you've reached double the rep number of the first set. You can use DRM with any rep range you choose. Use DRM for every exercise in your workout, or use it to bring up lagging body parts. Double the Pleasure, Double the Pain The Double Rep Method (DRM) is a form of rest-pause training. It's a brutally effective way to increase muscle mass, build strength, and even burn some body fat. Simply rep out to max on an exercise of your choice. Rest briefly and then churn out another rep or two. Rest briefly again and do another rep or two. Continue in this manner until you've reached double the rep number of the first set. For example, if you did deadlifts for an 8RM, you'